Patients who wish to register should attend reception to complete the purple registration form to be added to a doctor’s list. You will be registering with the Practice rather than an individual GP.
We do require your telephone land line in addition to your mobile number please.
From time to time we produce patient newsletters and questionnaires. If you are happy to be contacted by email please let us know your email address.
Please advise us of any change of your address or telephone number so that our records can be kept up to date.
Please bring photographic id with you when you register, i.e. passport or driving licence/proof of address.
Practice Area
We have a catchment area that covers the whole of Douglas, and stops in the north at Onchan, in the west to Crosby, and in the south just after Santon. We welcome any new patients moving into our catchment area but request that you move to another Practice should you move out of this area.